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December 05, 2012


Gorden Kock

Hi Topobase-Insiders,
thanks for this very helpful post. I tried to use the new option of offline DWG data and failed because of many problems during creating a template from my existing Topobase industry model based on ORACLE. Some of your hints may be part of that trouble. But as the title says "Part 1" I hope that you will add several further hints in the near future.

If you have an industry model already existing for many years you can imagine that it is not exactly compatible to SQLite. But to make it more compatible I can follow your hints with the JOIN part, the DECODE and NVL functions because your hints also work in ORACLE. That's not the case with the DUAL and LIMIT hint. So this can't be used that way and must be replaced by a different statement or must be left out.

But above that I've got problems with so called "non constant DEFAULTS" like sysdate. I use that very often.
Then I have problems with views using simple ORACLE functions like TO_CHAR.

Maybe you can provide information or workarounds on that in "Part 2".

Another great help would be to provide examples for the regular expressions you can use when creating a genx file for the DWT. Because my industry model is even older than Topobase there are several tables that are no feature classes and don't need to be. But I have to use them in the display model views. So I have to include them with that regular expression. At the same time I need to exclude some other tables. How does that work exactly?

Thanks for any further hint on those problems.

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